Nelson WWTF Infrastructure Upgrades Needed
Planned Mission Project to Address Foxridge Drive
Address Construction Traffic
Disturb area one time
Allow construction traffic/material deliveries in timely fashion
Signal provides community benefit even after construction activities
Coordinating on cost share agreements
Off-Site - Roadway Improvements
(click on image to view larger)

Foxridge Drive
PROJECT UPDATE (updated May 2024)​
Additional information on Phase 2 may be found on the City of Mission website -
Traffic signals have been added to the I-35 Entrance/Off Ramps at Lamar Avenue.
The City of Mission and Johnson County Wastewater (JCW) have begun work on Foxridge Drive that will require lane closures.
The work will be done in Three Phases:
Phase 1: Johnson County Wastewater (JCW) has done the initial work, which was the installation of a pipeline in the westbound lane.
Phase 2: The City of Mission has begun the reconstruction of Foxridge Drive. Work on this will continue through the Fall of 2023. Additional information on Phase 2 may be found on the City of Mission website: (
Phase 3: JCW working with The City of Mission, Unified Government of Wyandotte County, and Kansas Department of Transportation will add traffic lights to the I-35 Entrance/Off Ramps at Lamar Avenue.
Your patience is appreciated.
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Project information/schedule will be updated with information throughout planning & construction. Check back for updates.